Mental Health
Mental Health
According to the WHO," Mental health is defined as the state of well being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to his her community."
This definition that is given by the WHO basically means that mental health is a state of well being which includes our emotional, psychological and social well being. It directly affects the way we think, act. It is also the ability to choose between different options and alternatives. It also determines how we handle stress and tension and helps us think and make the right decisions during critical times. Mental health is very important in every part of our life.
If a person can fulfil these requirements then he/she is said to have good mental health whereas if a person cannot perform fulfil them then he/she is said to have complications with their mental health.
Mental health is something that talked about or discussed more often in the family or the community. It is taken as a taboo. Even in this 21st century, people are ashamed to identify themselves as having mental health issues.
Even if they are severely suffering they refuse to go to a mental health doctor or any other health professionals specializing in the particular field. People are even ashamed to confront their families about their problems relating to mental health.
Why is mental health so neglected even today?
According to Forbes," Mental Health is and is an undeserved cause in the international aid for the same reasons it is still considered as a taboo in many countries."
People feel that suffering through mental health problems is not any problem with our body but with our personality, behaviour and our attitude. It is basically not considering our brain as a part of our body. People are not ready to accept the fact that we also suffer complications with our brain. Generally, people who suffer from mental health problems are either mocked, harassed or troubled in the family as well as in the community. Due to this those people either suffer from a critical problem than before or either die due to the condition.
Why do people suffer from mental health problems?
People can suffer from mental health issues through different causes.
Mental health problems can be brought through family history. It can transfer from the gene of the parents to the gene of the offspring. So if the parents are suffering from mental health problems before conception of the child then the child can also suffer from the same.
Different trauma during different life experiences can also invite mental health problems. For Example, if a person is suffering from a history of abuse then the person can slowly develop mental health problems in him/herself. During the massive earthquake of 2072 many people suffered through the trauma of the earthquake which gradually developed into a mental health disorder.
In teenagers, these days bullying and torment are also one of the major factors they suffer from mental health problems.
How we deal with Mental Health problems?
First of all, we should treat ourselves with kindness and respect and we should strictly avoid self-criticism.
We should take care of our bodies by eating nutritious and healthy meals. Avoiding smoking and consumption of other harmful chemicals.
We should drink plenty of water and we should get involved in regular exercise as it helps in decreasing anxiety. We should get at least 8 hours of sleep for our healthy body.
Talking or discussing our problems with our near ones and meditating for a peaceful mind can also help in preventing mental health disorders.
If we are suffering from severe problems then going to a mental health professional for counselling and healing sessions are one of the best methods of curing our mental health disorders.
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